50 Newborn Baby Essentials: The Ultimate Checklist in 2024

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Baby in crib in sage green jumpsuit.

As a new mom myself, I have recently lived through the newborn experience. Sleepless nights, sore boobs (and other bits), lots of bodily fluids and a feeling of love that makes it all worthwhile. The fourth trimester can be a stressful and tiring time, as well as a big adjustment for a couple as new parents. Whilst no product can buy you sleep, these must-have items sure will make your life a lot easier during the newborn phase. Here is my ultimate list of must-have items to buy for yourself or a pregnant sister, daughter or friend expecting their first baby.

  1. Co-Sleeper Bassinet: Offers safe and close sleeping arrangements for your newborn.
  2. Waterproof Mattress Cover: Protects the mattress from spills and accidents.
  3. Breathable Crib Sheets: Soft, airy fabrics for a comfortable sleep.
  4. Baby Monitor: Keeps an eye and ear on your baby from another room.
  5. Changing Table: A dedicated space for changing diapers.
  6. Diaper Pail: Controls odors and keeps the nursery smelling fresh.
  7. Diapers: Stock up on these essentials, whether you choose cloth or disposable.
  8. Sensitive Baby Wipes: Gentle wipes for your baby’s sensitive skin.
  9. Diaper Rash Cream: Prevents and treats diaper rash.
  10. Baby Bathtub: A secure, manageable space for baby baths.
  11. Gentle Baby Wash and Shampoo: Hypoallergenic and tear-free options for delicate skin and hair.
  12. Soft Washcloths: Versatile for bathing and cleaning up messes.
  13. Hooded Baby Towels: Keep your baby’s head warm after bath time.
  14. Newborn Clothing: Basics like onesies, sleepers, and swaddled.
  15. Baby Socks: To keep those tiny feet warm.
  16. Baby Hats: Essential for outdoor trips and cooler days.
  17. Burp Cloths: Handy for cleaning up after feeding.
  18. Bibs: Protect clothes during feedings.
  19. Breast Pump: A necessity if you plan to breastfeed.
  20. Nursing Pads: Keep yourself comfortable and dry.
  21. Nipple Cream: Soothes soreness from breastfeeding.
  22. Formula: In case breastfeeding isn’t an option.
  23. Bottles and Nipples: Essential for feeding pumped breast milk or formula.
  24. Bottle Brush: Ensures thorough cleaning of baby bottles.
  25. Sterilizer: Keeps feeding equipment germ-free.
  26. Pacifiers: Helpful for soothing your baby.
  27. Baby Swing or Bouncer: A safe spot to lay your baby down.
  28. Playmat: Ideal for tummy time and play.
  29. Teething Toys: Eases discomfort during teething phases.
  30. Soft, Safe Toys: Appropriate for your baby’s age and development.
  31. Baby Books: Encourages early reading habits.
  32. Car Seat: Safety is paramount when traveling.
  33. Stroller: For comfortable and convenient outings.
  34. Baby Carrier: Keeps your baby close and hands free.
  35. High Chair: For introducing solid foods.
  36. Baby Food Maker: Handy for preparing homemade baby food.
  37. First Aid Kit: Includes baby-safe health essentials.
  38. Baby-Safe Laundry Detergent: Gentle for washing baby’s clothes.
  39. Room Thermometer: Ensures the nursery is at a comfortable temperature.
  40. Blackout Curtains: Promotes better sleep by blocking out light.
  41. Sound Machine: White noise can help your baby sleep better.
  42. Night Light: Soft lighting for nighttime check-ins.
  43. Storage Baskets: Keeps baby items organized.
  44. Baby Journal or App: Track milestones and growth.
  45. Parenting Books: Offers guidance and tips for new parents.
  46. Support Network: New parents groups are a godsend. Connect with family, friends, or online communities for advice.
  47. Patience and Humor: Essential for navigating the ups and downs of parenting.
  48. Coffee (for You!): Much-needed energy for those long days and nights.
  49. Breastfeeding Pillow: Provides support during nursing, making it comfortable for both you and baby.

What do you think of my list? Did I miss anything? Let me know your favourite baby essentials in the comments below.


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